Monday, March 2, 2009

Arrived yesterday afternoon about 12:45. The house is nice, but we do not have an enclosed yard to contain Strider. So a call to the realtor. We are supposed to have someone come today to put up some sort of temporary gate on the side and front. Had problems getting the computer hooked up last night. But obviously, that is now remedied.
Ginny and Louie came over yesterday afternoon for a visit. Ginny is involved in a dinner theater
proformance and has practice all this week from 5-?. So we are just going to get the lay of the
land and relax. We will have dinner with them on Sunday. Louie will be out of town from today
until Wednesday night. Might have him to dinner on Thursday or Friday. Will take some pictures and try to post them.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Today began with a beautiful sunrise over the Central Valley of California. The day dawned on
miles and miles of fruit and nut trees all in bloom. The day ended 12 hours later watching a rosy
sunset over the Sand Trap Mtns. of southern Arizona. We are 50 miles from Tucson. Have
only 4-5 hours to go tomorrow. Called the realtor, and she gave us our new address!! We'll be in
a house with the same floorplan, but with a larger patio and better view of the Organ Mtns.!
Sounds great.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Long driving day today. We made it to Santa Nella, CA. After getting out of the morning fog, we
had a sunny drive all the way. Mt. McLoughlin was very majestic as we entered Medford. Mt. Shasta was beautiful, too. I-5 was bare, but there was snow on the sides of the road from Shasta
City until we were almost to Shasta Lake. We were just about blown away by the wind when we stopped at a rest area in Weed. Strider is a good traveler. Time to relax and then hit the hay for
another long drive tomorrow.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday, February 25th
Leaving tomorrow for the SW! Getting out of the snow, cold and rain.